I thought I should be a good sport and give a little wave...
And again, this weekend when Christy and I were out for a 30K long run. That same black Impala parked off in the distance poised to take our picture as well jogged by.
Can't I even enjoy a run in peace? Geez....
Description of photographer: Brown hair, medium build, does great Mr. Bean impersonations. Goes by the name of Hubs.
funny post! i love trying to get pics while i'm running. you look so hardcore out in the wintery weather!
LOL! That's hilarious! Great post!
Funny post! The pictures are great!
Awww! That's so sweet :)
hahah so cute! Enjoy the 50/50 book - there was so much in that, I feel like I will have to re-read it just to get some of the stuff I missed!
Wow, look at all that snow. At the risk of sounding like a jerk, it hit 68 degrees fahrenheit today in New Jersey (I actually prefer the cold, but will pass on the snow).
Tres Sweet!
Don't have that little dodad that goes above the e...sorry.
hahahahaha. so funny:) and cute!
He misses you that much. Lucky you
Haha that is awesome. Way to go hubby!
LOL! Very cute!
Hee! Love the reflecty jackets.
LOL! You're just like Britney!
LOL! Too funny!! Cute pic of you two.
Clearly you are a rocktar being followed by a photographer like that :-)
Oh my gosh...that is ADORABLE!!!
You better report this to the cop that a stalker was going after you taking pictures. Just kidding ! Wow, the scenery is awesome ! Great post. Great pixs !
LOL~ Great post. I was a little worried for you at first. I love that he was taking pictures of you, for the blog I assume? what a great supportive hubs.
That's so cute. It's always nice when your stalker at least gives you the pics!
I was starting to get a little bit freaked out for you and then wondered how you GOT the photos! LOL!! Very cute!
yahhhh hubs!!
BRRR it looks cold out there!
make sure you are always wearing underwear!
It does look really cold, but you look like you are enjoying it.
great wintery scenery to run in!
Good luck with your stalker issues.
hahahaha, glad hubs was the stalker!
LOL. BTW, everytime I get on your page, I always get a pop-up...
Haha! Cute post.
Hahaha! I was freaked for a minute until I saw that you had the pics and knew something was up..
Dedication to be running in da snow!
Oh my... the pictures are fun! I'm glad to see it is not a zoom in shot of us as I am not a pretty runner. :)
hahaha you'Re so famous! Thanks for the book =)
LMAO! Dang girl! Your own paparazzi?!? So famous you are ;-)
Very Very cute:) Such a good hubby to take pics as you run! They're always so much fun!
too funny!
Those paps, they're persistent. :)
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