Friday, January 21, 2011


Thanks to MCM mama for the stylish blogger award:

Here's how the award works:

  • Post and link back to the person who gave you the award
  • Share 7 things about yourself
  • Award 15 recently discovered great bloggers so we can share the love
  • Contact these bloggers and tell them they've won
1.  I am a middle child. I have an older brother,  younger brother and a younger sister.  I think I may suffer occasionally from middle child syndrome, but I love having a "big" (by today's standards) family.  I am an aunt to 3 nieces and 3 nephews on my side alone. The Hubs has 5 other siblings!

2.  I don't know why or how,  but I lose my and re find my keys at least once a week.  

3.  Because of number 2,  my husband tunes me out if I panic when I lose my keys.  He just stands there with his  coat on waiting patiently for the calm after the storm.  We are a perfect match!

4. I am a high school biology teacher,  and I have taught for 12 years.  I absolutely love the challenge of working with teenagers. 

5. When I was growing up,  I wanted to be an interior decorator. To gain early experience I moved to the basement of my parents house when I was 10 so I could decorate my own room (independently of my sister),  albeit I decorated it with two lawn chaises pushed together for a bed, a cooler for an end table and a purple bean bag chair.  I donned the concrete walls with posters of my childhood crushes (Cory Hart and George Michael). 

6.  I lived on a crop farm from the age of 5-12.  My dad used to pay us an allowance of 2 dollars an hour to rock pick from  the wheat field.  Strangely, the memories of this are fond.

7.  I haven't eaten red meat or pork for over seven years.  I still eat poultry and seafood,  so I am neither vegetarian or a complete meat eater.  Suggestions for the name of that diet?!

I am supposed to tag 15 people,  but being away from the blog sphere so long,  I am not sure I can tag that many people and I am not sure who has been tagged already.  Here are a few of my (and I'm sure many peoples) favourites:

Aron at Runners Rambles
Laurel at Lily on the Road
Marlene at Mission to a(nother) Marathon
Mel at 2nd Chances
JoLynn at Single Track Junkie

Ofcourse if you want to play along,  consider yourself tagged!

Happy Friday and thanks for reading!


  1. Loved your facts!! We are twins on your #2 and #3. I am the exact opposite on #7.....I can only eat red meat or pork because of my seafood and poultry allergies.

    Glad you are back to blogging!

  2. I remember picking rocks on my grandparents farm. We didn't get paid, but my memories are still of it being fun. I can't imagine my kids finding that fun LOL.

    It's nice to have you back blogging...

  3. I love your interior design setup! Too cute!

  4. Marci, thanks for the tag and so sorry to have missed this! It was the week we were away and I was never able to fully catch up.

    I updated my post! :)

    Had to laugh at #2... that's like hubs and I, only opposite. HE is the one losing his keys (and everything else) constantly, so I tap my foot while he panics and eventually finds them in an obvious place.
