Sunday, August 10, 2008

8 on the 8th

This is my lame-ass race report for Non Runner's Nancy's virtual race. I kinda of screwed up my plans to run this race. I went for my 34K run on Thursday, which only turned out to be 27.6K when the torental rain and lightning rolled in. This screwed up my plans for the rest of the week since I wanted to make up my mileage somewhere.

So Friday was a rest day, and Saturday was just busy, so I had to tie in my virtual race with my 22K run this Sunday.

So I just kept an eye on my Garmin. I was at 8 miles at 1 hour 17 minutes, 7 seconds. I actually would have been there sooner, but I was stopped by a freaking 3 minute traffic light! Then again, maybe the light helped me recover, who knows.

I wish I had some spirit and some neat pictures to go with the race, but I don't. Thanks Nancy for organizing, I don't think I would have pushed this hard if you hadn't.

On the up side, aren't these cooler temperatures nice for us Southern Ontario folks? Love that the runs are a little easier.

Thanks for reading!


  1. Good job on getting the 8 miler done in such a great time! And go ahead and feel free to send cool weather this way!

  2. this weather is a nice break from humidity... but not sure we've had much of a summer with all this rain!!! great job on your runs! :)

  3. We've had nothing but thunderstorms and rain too! But with humidity! GAH.

    Good job on your run, you got it done and hopefully you'll get some goods runs in this week.

  4. Congrats on both long runs! I agree, the cool temps are a refreshing change. But I hope it's hot next week while we're at the cottage. :)

  5. LMAO Marci, you are probably right! hahaha I saw 12K and my peabrain said Okay, it is really 12.874752, hahaha so I did "fudge them"! Oh, tooo funny..ooopppsss.

    Canadian Ottawa entrant, disqualified!!! LOL...

  6. I say knock the 3 off ;-) GREAT JOB!! ;D

  7. Glad you got out there and did it with us Marci!! Thanks.

    Race results to follow...I'm backed up because of travel.

